Thought Patterns for a Successful Career

This course is designed by the Pacific Institute to enhance post-secondary learning experience, as well as prepare students for personal and professional success. Concepts presented include managing change, setting and achieving goals, and thinking in ways that create success. Time management, study skills and library research are also discussed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define scotoma and identify areas where scotomas may be keeping the student from being more successful
  • Provide an example that illustrates the difference between perception and truth
  • List words that trigger one’s own self-talk
  • Identify people that the student listens to most and explain why they listen to them
  • Describe past events that may be conditioning current thoughts and actions, and list beliefs that have been  “locked-on” to as a result of this conditioning
  • Explain the importance of the reticular activating system (RAS)
  • Select a key life goal and describe how the RAS can be used effectively to help achieve that goal
  • Distinguish between the functions of the conscious, the subconscious and the creative subconscious 
  • Provide personal examples of the “garbage-in/garbage-out” concept
  • Describe ways that the student may be subconsciously sabotaging success or allowing others to do so
  • List personal habits that currently help or hinder daily living
  • Identify personal situations where a more constructive attitude is needed
  • Give an example of self-talk and explain why it is important to keep self-talk and conversation with others positive and uplifting
  • Explain the I x V = R formula  
  • Distinguish between negative and positive wizards and their effect on personal and family life
  • List the three types of thoughts that lead to paralysis of will and describe how one can escape the downward spiral
  • Provide a personal example of a “comfort zone”
  • Describe the elements of the self-talk cycle
  • List some personal positive and constructive self-talk statements
  • Define and give an example of forethought
  • Describe positive ways to handle temporary setbacks or “rocks in the road”
  • Identify characteristics that people with high and low self-esteem display
  • Explain why it is important to keep setting new goals
  • Provide examples of restrictive and coercive motivation in one’s life
  • Describe the feedback loop and explain why is it important to consider change
  • Identify important goals for the areas on one’s balance wheel and write personal affirmations to accomplish these goals
  • Apply scientific problem-solving principles to given scenarios
  • Describe effective time management, note-taking, test-taking and study strategies
  • Use electronic databases to conduct library research
  • Discuss issues pertaining to personal health and well-being
  • Complete assignments and projects utilizing Internet resources
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CA $299
Thought Patterns for a Successful Career

Program Details

38 hours
Includes Text & CD Rom
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Thought Patterns for a Successful Career
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